Chopix has been hanging around alot lately…

March 20, 2009

Blockhead here (aka Bust) my username has been changed if you havent read previous posts BUT DO NOT SAY BUST ON CHOBOTS YOUR CHAT WILL BECOME DISABLED *ITS NOT MY FAULT IF YOU SAY IT BECAUSE I WARNED YOU!

Chopix has been on Livestar Today (20th) and you can repeat his quest as many times as you want!



 To do This quest It will Help ALOT if you have about 3-5 Speed Candys

Speed candy

Speed candy

The Spies Are Fast!

So this will help alot to catch them. but you can still catch some without speed candy by takeing short cuts to were they are walking to!

its diffrent for everyone but they will be in RANDOM places in chobots.

The Rules are

*they will never be inside Such as inside the Cafe in the GameZone in the Academey Etc.

* they can be underground (The Drawing Walls Area)

*On mission street you can sometimes not see them if they are there so walk near the chatbar on mission street and if one comes out from behind the trees then it was there.

*you get 50 bugs for each one you find and 1000 bugs when your done.

*take them to chopix one at a time


To repeat this quest Finish your first one And Log out Then log back into the same server.


PS: you can now get a free trial for Citizenship depending on your age. anyone udner the age of 70 days can get 3 days trial. 70 – 99 can get 6 days trial. and 100 – ∞ (infinity)  Gets 10 days Trial.


Ill keep you posted –

– Blockhead

Updates! 03/12/09

March 12, 2009

Bust here With some Awsome Out of Site (XD) UPDATES!

First Off check out The awesome New park! it tells you chobots time!


And if you look under The Tranparent Clock You can see the Agent HQ (but that isnt open yet)

And now The Flying boots are out!

There is one that is avaible for everyone and others that are citizens only (includeing flying helmets and gear)


Yellow means Its Citizens only

Blue means Its for everyone

And they are Expensive

 But ive seen chopix Early Today 03/12/09 around 8 am

he was doing the spy quest and i got to finish it once giveing me 1000 bugs he was in new work city

But now i checked and hes gone FOR right now.

anyways there are new clothes for St patricks day Which by the way starts on tuesday i think.


Lol as you can see Its al Lucky 7’s in the price for that piece of clotheing

(i found that myself)


Girls get some clothes too!

And Thats about It

OH and Check for Chopix in random servers every now and then.

And Rocket Boots are in the magic Shop

New clotheing IN the Shop

New park At the Park XD


New mission (SOON) And an update on Hover Boots!

March 10, 2009

They have mentioned a new mission today it will BE COMMING OUT SOON but they are building a teleporter to take us to nichos world! im not sure what the mission will be to retrieve but its not goign to be easy. they said youll need team work so if your a loner you best be gettin some freinds.

screen shot from the chobots blog :


They Dont like color So its pretty dull and empty <O_O>  But it looks like it has plenty of color see

They also mentioned that youll need magic candy to complete it! And a good knowlage of chobots. plus freinds to complete it with.


The hover boots Are almost here but with a few glitches they will require a few more days i would say. But im only an agent i dont get informed about this stuff o.O lol

But vayerman got to try an unstable pair look see


So the catalog will be located near the garbage collector… WHY?!?!?… thats so unconvieniant..


Other news!

yesterday march 8th was my birthday

And i got neat stuff a souround sound for my bedroom

and friday im getting the LG VU for my att phone!

I SAY That chobots SHALL FLY! (soon)

March 6, 2009

Yes yes i know Its so AWESOME!!!!!!! soon chobots will be able to fly with flying shoes!

there will be

  • fire shoes
  • air shoes
  • magnit Shoes

(possibly more)

Each shoe will make you fly but looks diffrent Like the Fire will Obiously shoot out Fire like a rocket

 The Air Will spit out High vellocity winds makeing you soar! like a hovercraft

and the magnit one will well i think it will be like the same magnit poles faceing each other pushing away so you go up!

BUT This is all comming soon.


PS: My Real Birthday is on sunday (march 8th) so i might be gone for awhile.

New Suits And Clotheing

March 4, 2009

First off On the Agenda Today we will have a nice formal disscusion about formal Clotheing. kinda…

NEW kinda FORMAL GIRLS “PG” DRESSES! …. and one with a heart. (Which makes you look kinda FAT!)


And new suits for clitizens only (you cant buy them even if you had a credit card now) which i think you already knew


They are Nice the Sleeping one is my favorite (if you ask me chobots has been adding alot of girls clothing huh? now is sad) lol no not really. just wanted a black hoodie in the stuff catalog with PG on the front then id buy it. it could keep us warm in the cold vastness of space.

– Later!

Agent Hq , And Chopix APPRECIATION

March 4, 2009

First Off you agents out there are in for a big surprise!
They Are makeing a chobots Agent HQ! meaning only agents can go in! (and mods i would think)

Anyways Its Decked out IN A’s For Agent And I hear that agent will be able to switch servers without even login out.

(which you can already do if one of your freinds invites you to the server they are in)

They say this will be located underground!


Next up Chopix Is the Topic!

The park will loose its “old” christmas Stuff And Upgrade to CHOPIZ PARK or sumthing i dunno lol

Chopix statue wil be in the center of the park

With around him The Chobots Time Clock So it probley wont match any of your guys Times Because this wil be so you can plan meetings and stuff probley. (digital time is on the statue)